How to Submit

To make your available in the Raydiant Marketplace, email product@raydiant.comExternal Link to submit your app for review and we’ll be in touch.

Once your app is approved you will see “Live in the Marketplace” next to your app in the Developer Portal.

New Versions

New versions of marketplace apps must also be submitted for review before they are made available to all Raydiant users.

You can test unapproved versions of your app from the Raydiant DashboardExternal Link when creating a new presentation for your app and selecting the unapproved version.

App version selector

You can re-submit your app at any time if you wish to make changes. Click “Change version” in the Developer Portal and select the version you’d like to submit for review.

Once your new app version has been approved you can set the active version by clicking “Set version”.

Next Steps

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Last edited on July 02, 2024.
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