
Metadata allows you to receive information about the environment your app is running in with it’s URL template.

Similar to Inputs, you can receive metadata through the URL template using the special :$<metadata> placeholder.


When your application is running on a ScreenRay device you can receive the device ID via your app’s URL with the :$deviceId metadata parameter.$deviceId/content$deviceId

The :$deviceId parameter can be part of the URL path or the query string and when your app is running on a ScreenRay device, it will be replaced with the actual device ID (in most cases this will be the mac address).

Dashboard Previews

When previewing your app in the Raydiant Dashboard we do not have a device context. Therefore a device ID will not be provided.

If the :$deviceId is part of the query string then it will be replaced with empty string when displayed in the preview.

If the :$deviceId is used in the URL path then it will not be replaced with an empty string to avoid creating an invalid URL. Instead you will receive the URL-encoded value of :$deviceId.$deviceId/content

You can use the existence of :$deviceId in the URL to serve default content when previewing your app in the Raydiant Dashboard.


You can use the :$renderMode metadata to know if you’re app is being rendered in the Dashboard preview or on a ScreenRay device.$renderMode

This can be used to provide helpful messaging to the user when configuring the app in the Raydiant Dashboard, or for disabling certain features of your app when it is not running on an actual device.

When your app is loaded on a ScreenRay device :$renderMode will be replaced with live and when loaded in the Dashboard preview it will be replaced with preview. # when loaded on a device # when loaded in the Dashboard preview

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Last edited on January 28, 2025.
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